Amenities on 2 Sims
- Biking
- Pools
- Parks
- Beaches
- Theater on Beach
- G Corner Mart
- Carnival
- Go-Carts
- Arcade
- JetSkiis
- Relaxation on the Docks
- Mini Cars - to get around
- Bowling Alley
G💎LÐs™ Hello Day'Cation.
- One night stay - to 48 hours.
- 72 hours requires attention from Manager.
- 7 days - will refund 20%
- Rentals for group gatherings.
- Rentals for a Bridal or Bachelor party.
- Family Retreats.
- Inquire about Rental of the Hello Day'Cation for group stay.
- $500ls-$1000ls a Night.
- Drop down at Hello Day'Dation
- Select a Guest Home ((Parceled))
- Pay tier - $500ls-$1000ls a Night. ((according to which Bungalow you select))
- Join Group
- Complete Form.
- A manager will contact you
- Receive a tour and Select your Bungalow
- Make first night deposit
- Show up on your choosen dates
- You may have up to as many quest as you like, however please inform your guest 'they will be ejected from the group once your stay expires.'
- If children are with you, PLEASE NO explicit behavior or you will be automatically ejected.
- For further assistance... you may reach out to CEO ĨÑÐÌÌÎ 尺Ä尺Ɛ GÔLЙ ĤÔÔĹY (IndiiiRareGold Enchantment) ~ InWorld.
- or
1. Hivid TVs ~ for smooth syncing to watch great movies.
2. MyStory Compatible
3. PBR quality thru out the entire Location. ((all sims))
4. Rezz your Vehicles for travel around the sims.
5. Plenty of things to do.
6. Private-Parceled Bungalows.
7. Most times Less then 24hrs response to time for all your needs and assistance.
8. Weekends is 2 Nights & 1 night Free
9. For further assistance,... you may reach out to ~
The G💎LÐs™ Hello Day'Cation Manager.
*Inworld: Please send Notecard to:
GÔLÐs™ CEO. BOSS LADY (GOLDsBosslady Enchantment)
- For further assistance... you may reach out to ĨÑÐÌÌÎ 尺Ä尺Ɛ GÔLЙ ĤÔÔĹY (IndiiiRareGold Enchantment) ~ The G💎LÐs™ Hello Day'Cation Manager.
May 23rd 2024
🌴🌤🏊♂️🚴♀️ G💎LÐs™ Hello Day'Cation 🚴♀️🏊♂️🌤🌴
- For further assistance... you may reach out to ĨÑÐÌÌÎ 尺Ä尺Ɛ GÔLЙ ĤÔÔĹY (IndiiiRareGold Enchantment) ~ The G💎LÐs™ Hello Day'Cation Manager.
Status: Open
*MyStory Compatible*
Grand Open Details: Thursday, 23rd, May ((4-6 pm slt))
Sponsor: Novel Hooly TheGoat HoolyMations!
Location: GOLDs Sim 2:
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