Second Life on its Axis.....
SLAXIAL™ was designed with you in mind. Second Life on its Axis! You have a Brand? Share, share, rotate! “Share yours and I will share mine!”
...Keep the rotation flowing! “I will share yours and you may share mine!”
Promote, Advertise, Brand your Brand @ SLAXIAL™com!!!
SL Residents including Brand Owners ..we invite you!
SLAxial has made the changes and a complete UPGRADE!!!
Second Life on it's Axis.....
Slaxial was designed with you in mind. Second Life on its Axis! You have a Brand? Share, share, rotate! “Share yours and I will share mine!” ...Keep the rotation flowing! “I will share yours and you may share mine!” Promote, Advertise, Brand your Brand @!!!
Be apart of the first to be seen, this is true...
Be apart of the start of something fresh...
*Remember this platform is for you.
Bring the contents of your Brand...
-Have Questions? Contact: ΓΓΓΓΓΓ ε°ΊAε°ΊΖ GΓLΓ™ (indiiiraregold.enchantment)
✨Marketing Administrator✨
-Owned by a Family of Secondlife Residents,... designed for the People of Second Life!
-Administrators for assistance can be reached Inworld.
Drop in~ The office is officially Open.
...get away from the cookies use to have all those not interesting advertisements show up on our page
...TO GET AWAY from all the restrictions/JAIL
...No outside/third party ads ~all secondlife ads are of OUR own ~
Second Life on it's Axis.....
Slaxial was designed with you in mind. Second Life on its Axis!
ππHave Questions?
ΓΓΓΓΓΓ ε°ΊAε°ΊΖ GΓLΓ™ (indiiiraregold.enchantment)✨Administrator✨
*(There are Administrators available to assist you)*
Drop in~ The office is officially open.
For Those who Joined SLAXIAL™.com welcome!
*Communicate with Second Life Family and Friends. Platform designed for you ...Second Life Users. Please use Your Inworld Name When Creating Your Account(s). Makes It Easier to get your account verified.

✨First, we @ Slaxial would like to APOLOGIZE for any inconvenience✨
We are happy to announce that SLAxial is BACK up and running after a very IMPORTANT update for better performance and services. Slaxial is moving faster, many more features, easy registration; (you do need a Secondlife profile photo). As previously, you need to use your Second Life username. SLAxial has made the changes and a complete UPGRADE!!!
We HAVE WORKED @ YOU having a greater experience and working towards you having a new experience! Of course, we will continue to do upgrades/updates in the background. However ~ Permanently, Slaxial is HERE ~ up and running. The process is much smoother, the appearance is great. The features are fun!
The shut-down and your present experiences are well worth it! Remember we are here to assist and you can meet with us at the office IW:
SLAXIAL Marketing Administrator
ΓΓΓΓΓΓ ε°ΊAε°ΊΖ GΓLΓ™ (indiiiraregold.enchantment)

✨✨✨✨Yessssss! Our Own Social Media Engine✨✨✨✨
Second Life on it's Axis.....
Slaxial was designed with you in mind. Second Life on its Axis! You have a Brand? Share, share, rotate! “Share yours and I will share mine!” ...Keep the rotation flowing! “I will share yours and you may share mine!” Promote, Advertise, Brand your Brand @!!!
*Communicate with Second Life Family and Friends. Platform designed for you ...Second Life Users.
This Social Network was created ONLY for Second Life Users and is NOT affiliated with Linden Labs. Edit your profile and share this social network with your Second Life Family and Friends. We are currently in Beta Stages so please bare with us while we Improve for a better network for all of our users.
For Those who Joined ...
Would Like to Welcome All Who Signed Up. Please use Your Inworld Name When Creating Your Account(s). Makes It Easier to get your account verified.
Have any Question Please Drop Us a Message
-SLaxial is only for Secondlife users,... if you create an account that is not associated with second life,... after some time it will be removed. *Secured space for Second Life Users.
-After you register, check your email inbox/spam or junk to click the link sent for validation so they can access/login after, if that is not done you cannot log in, if you do not see an email to validate your account, your account will be validated within 15-30 min...
-Notice: When adding photos, you will need to add them to your album for multiple uploads. In the timeline, you may add single photos.
-Businesses are welcome to represent your Brand! *Remember this platform is for you.
-There will be an App for Iphones in one week. The App for androids will be two weeks after the Iphone App has been rendered for availability/access. *The location for access will be located at the bottom @ the footnotes of the site, *(i.e. Located at the bottom of any page)*
-Administrators for assistance can be reached Inworld.
The Platform SLAxial is validated by Fabulous Streams and Allen Bar and Grill.
-Have Questions? Contact: ΓΓΓΓΓΓ ε°ΊAε°ΊΖ GΓLΓ™ (indiiiraregold.enchantment) ~ ✨Administrator✨
*(There are 5 Administrators available to assist you.)*
✨All Additional information will be added here as it comes about.. Save the link.✨
-Owned by a Family of Secondlife Residents,... designed for the People of Second Life!