New Versois et Mailloux GOLDs™ Boutique exclusive releases
VeM Gâteau Lapin (Bunny Cakes)
VeM Sac de Chaiînes de Couture
Previous Releases:
VeM Sweet Talker Shake & Pochette
VeM Tourbillon Watch
VeM Billionaire Sunnies
VeM Bonjour Paris Heels
VeM Gianni Heels
Versois et Mailloux Bonjour Paris Heels
The Versois et Mailloux Bonjour Paris Heels are 100% original mesh and rigged for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Legacy, Reborn, and Kupra.
The heels are available in 14 individual colours.
Versois et Mailloux Gâteau Lapin (Bunny Cakes)
Versois et Mailloux Gateau Lapin is available in strawberry or chocolate.
Each set has 4 Bento holds plus a single display version and tray display version. The single display is 2li, the strawberry tray is 22li, & chocolate tray is 24li.
Bento versions are unisex & resize on touch.
Versois et Mailloux Gianni Heels
The Versois et Mailloux Gianni Heels are original mesh and rigged for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Legacy, and Kupra.
The heels are available in 8 individual colours or as a fatpack. The fatpack contains 4 bonus colours.
Versois et Mailloux Sac de Chaiînes de Couture
Versois et Mailloux Sac de Chaines de Couture is original mesh with 8 bento poses and resize on touch.
The bags are available in 12 individual colours or as a fatpack. The fatpack has one exclusive colour.
Versois et Mailloux Sweet Talker Shake & Pochette
The Versois et Mailloux Sweet Talker Shake & Pochette is original mesh and is available in 8 individual colours or as a FATPACK.
Each colour comes with the Shake & Pochette together, Pochette alone, and Shake alone. Each version has right and left bento poses.
Resize on touch.
Versois et Mailloux Tourbillon Watch
The Versois et MaillouxTourbillon Watch is 100% original mesh, materials enabled, unisex, and available with 6 choices of watch faces or as a fatpack. Each watch pack comes with Male and Female sizes with L and R attachments.
The watches come with a colour change HUD with 7 monogram watchband choices.
Resize on touch.
Versois et Mailloux Billionaire Sunnies
The Versois et Mailloux Billionaire Sunnies are 100% original mesh, materials enabled, and available in six individual metals or as a fatpack. Each metal comes with 2 pairs of sunnies: one with smooth metal and one with embossed metal.
Resize on touch
Full Bright on/off on touch
HUD with 12 lens colour choices.